"Promoting Independence for All"

Independent Lifestyles LLP

Data Protection Act & GDPR Policy

1. Data Protection Policy Statement

1.1 Independent Lifestyles Support Agency believes that all records required for the protection of customers, its employees, and for the effective and efficient running of Independent Lifestyles Support Agency should be collected, maintained and kept according to the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018. Independent Lifestyles Support Agency adheres fully to the Guidance about Compliance: Fundamental Standards of Quality and Safety (Health and social Care act 2008) which relates to the extent to which the rights and best interests of customers are safeguarded by the agency keeping accurate and up-to-date records.

1.2 Independent Lifestyles Support Agency is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 and all storage and processing of personal data held in manual records and on computers in Independent Lifestyles Support Agency comply with the Act and GDPR.

1.3 Under the Data Protection Act 1998, Independent Lifestyles Support Agency should have a nominated data user/data controller. The data user/data controller for Independent Lifestyles Support Agency is the Administrator, Ruth Halsey.

2. General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (Formerly Data Protection Act 1998)

2.1 The above act was introduced to regulate personal data held either on computer or within a manual filing system. As an employer and service provider it is our responsibility to ensure that the documentation held is relevant, accurate and where necessary, kept up to date. Any data held shall be processed fairly and lawfully and in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the Act. As a customer or employee, you will have the right to be told what personal data about you is being processed and how your data is being stored and managed. You will also have the right to be informed of the source of the data and to whom it may be disclosed.

We are not obliged to supply this information unless you make a written request and for such requests, a fee will be payable.


3. Training

2.1 All new staff will read the policies on ‘data protection’ and ‘confidentiality’ as part of their induction process. Training in the correct method for entering information in customers’ records is given to all care staff. The nominated data user/data controller for Independent Lifestyles Support Agency is trained appropriately in the Data Protection Act 1998. All staff who need to use the computer system are thoroughly trained in its use.

Independent Lifestyles Statement

In accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, this statement outlines the steps taken by Independent Lifestyles LLP to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking throughout our business and supply chains. Independent Lifestyles is committed to ensuring modern slavery does not exist in its organisation or supply chains. We constantly strive to develop, policy and procedures to manage the way we obtain our goods and services to keep our supply chains robust. To date we have had no reports of modern slavery within our organisation nor our supply chains.

For small to medium sized business such as Independent Lifestyles LLP, awareness is the key to ensuring that this policy reflects the standards and ethical considerations we apply to our supply chain.

We have in place:

  • Due diligence checks to identify and assess potential risk areas such as agency staffing.
  • The monitoring of potential risks in our supply chains by checking our supplier’s commitment to Modern Slavery prevention. We have a long-standing relationship with our supply base.
  • A robust recruitment and selection process to mitigate the risks of Modern Slavery entering our workforce. Independent Lifestyles LLP checks that staff can demonstrate their eligibility to work in the UK and requires all contractors and agency staff to undergo an eligibility check before commencing work with us.
  • We consistently review and revise our safeguarding instruction, procedures and framework to ensure we recognise, report and respond to all concerns or incidents of safeguarding. We are committed to keeping all our customers and staff safe from harm and abuse, this includes adults at risk, children and anyone who comes into contact with our company.
  • Independent Lifestyles LLP has a clear framework of rules and behaviours and encourages the reporting of any concerns or breaches so that they can be dealt with appropriately in accordance with our policies and procedures.
  • A robust quality assurance management system that allows for close monitoring of service delivery, customer and staff care across the company.


Date of Review: Feb 2021

Policy review officer: Head of Business